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Girls night out

Posted May 24 2013 by sarah

Girls night out

How my Polynesian experience might be deeper from the inside ? By having a night out in Papeete !

Tea, Adele and I went to the famous nightclub : The Velvet, on mother's day. It was not so crowded and the price not so expensive. I was used to the Parisian prices, I can say it's quite the same. We had a great time !!

I also tasted the "centipede rhum" at Adele's house, It seems to be a traditionnal Tahitian medicine, used in case of centipede bite, you can gain immunity by drinking it. Simply, it's a rhum which you put alive centipedes inside, and let them for a few months. When dying, they let their poison out in the rhum, and this gives you a horrible and disgusting taste mixed to the rhum.

I'll never drink it again, but I liked the experience ^^

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