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Whales season

Posted August 31 2013 by sarah

Whales season
Whales season
Whales season
Whales season

During august in Polynesia, we have an amazing chance to have the "whales season".

They come here to give birth, or find a new lover for a while. As I'm not really aware about whales and their lifestyles, I can't really give you more informations !

All I know is they come over here for approximatively 3 months, and if you're not a good swimer, you better should book a boat to drive you in the ocean and follow them in their natural home. The excursion is about 2 hours and a half, and the capitain will bring you outside the lagoon, and follow the whales for a while.
You can choose to jump in the ocean and follow them, or stay in the boat (what i did) and watch this fabulous scene from a driest place :)

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